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Public Speaking Made Easy – 3 Steps To Giving An Amazing Talk!
Joe DePalma
I have broken down the steps of developing and giving a killer talk into three distinct stages with three main points per stage. That means there are only nine total points for you to learn in order to create and deliver a fantastic speech in even the most nerve-racking of circumstances.
* Easy Public Speaking Step #1: Preparing the Speech or Presentation
A good speech has five parts:
1)The Introduction: Inform the audience of what you are going to tell them in your speech.
2)Give your first example.
3)Give your second example.
4)Give your third example.
5)The Conclusion: Remind the audience about what you just told them and then close the speech.
If it\’s allowed, make up note cards for your speech with the general ideas, examples, and specific points of interest that you don\’t want to leave out. Also, don\’t write your note cards in full sentences. Make bullet points of the information you want to remember.
Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror until you only need your notes to briefly glance at (for the main ideas in case you lose track). Then, give your speech in front of a friend or some family members to help with any stage fright you may have.
* Easy Public Speaking Step #2: The Nuts & Bolts of Giving a Speech
Even if it\’s not required for the presentation, dress nicer than your audience. A collared shirt or blouse with a nice pair of shoes will do if a suit or business professional attire isn\’t required for the presentation,. No sneakers or jeans!
Speak more slowly and clearly and smile much more than you normally would in an everyday conversation.
The SIX NEVER-DO S of Speech Making:
1)Never laugh or giggle during a speech unless you are telling a joke.
2)Never apologize for your performance during the speech.
3)Never, ever read your speech from the note cards.
4)Never lean on or clutch the podium.
5)Don t single out one member of the audience and speak only to them.
6)Don t go over the speech time limit. Giving an effective speech within the time limit is a major part of the assignment.
* Easy Public Speaking Step #1: The Bells & Whistles of Giving a Speech
Use hand motions as you shift your focus around the room to accentuate the main points.
Use rate, volume, pitch, and pause to grab the audience s attention and draw them into your speech.
Rate = Alter the speed of your speaking throughout the presentation.
Volume = Don t be afraid to get very loud or extra soft during your speech.
Pitch = Use your vocal range to prevent yourself from being monotone. Don t start and end all your sentences the same way.
Pause = Stop speaking and let the silence do the work for you when you want to place extra emphasize on a main point.
If possible, ask the audience if they have any questions at the end of your speech.
Write a five minute speech on a topic of your choice using the three sections above.. Then, give the speech in front of a friend or family member. If you need to use note cards as you give the speech, that\’s okay, but you must give the speech enough times until you\’re able to give it while only glancing at your note cards.
Next, when the speech is finished, ask your audience to write down three aspects of your speech that they think need work. Don t argue with your audience s suggestions to improve your speech. Take their advice and work it into your speech where it feels appropriate. Then, give your speech again to a different audience and ask for their feedback, too. Do this three times total and record a summary of your audience s suggestions here so you can refer back to them for future speeches.
Summary of audience #1)
Summary of audience #2)
Summary of audience #3)
Positive Stories For Your Next Talk
– Author Joe DePalma is also the President of the #1 Positive Success Website called ReadySetRise.com which features the best free Positive Stories anywhere!
Positive Attitude Quotes For Speakers
– Free Positive Mind Training at ReadySetRise.com.
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