Here’s An Opinion On:
Submitted by: Jackie Johnson
How to Achieve Financial Freedom with a little Mind over Matter
Unless you re one of the privileged few who are born into wealth and financial stability, you re likely anticipating a long and rocky working life ahead of you just to make ends meet. If you re lucky, you can hope to find a stable job with a decent pension plan and a two-month sabbatical in about fifteen years. But with that life comes the forty-hour work weeks in a window-less cubicle plus the smoggy, congested daily commute for the next 20-30 years.
With this sort of unrelenting and unappreciative fate awaiting all of us good, tax-paying citizens, many have surely stepped back at some point and asked, isn t there a better way?
Yes, there certainly is, according to self-made Australian entrepreneur Isha Knill. Author of the inspiring Attracting Freedom: Lifestyle, Not Life Sentence, Knill rejects cubicle life and encourages readers to instead find true fulfillment and achieve financial freedom by running their own business.
Easier said than done, right? Not if you know how to attract freedom with the right kind of mindset, according to Knill.
We are surrounded by prosperity and abundance, she says, it s just a matter of understanding the Laws of the Universe that govern fortune and knowing how to tap into that endless flow. If you know how to use the incredible latent potential of your subconscious mind, anyone is able to achieve financial freedom.
Knill s theory is that the human mind which is only used at about 12% capacity for conscious thought and functioning is as capable of affecting much more than the tangible world around us. Knill and scholars of holistic neurology believe that that 88% of subconscious brain left over has the potential to reach out and affect the intangible forces around us, much as the body is capable of affecting its physical surroundings.
It is a young field of study, and Knill does not pretend to have the answers to all the how-to s. What she does know, and what her book focuses on, is the ability of the mind to draw success and prosperity to its owner when it is properly trained or, as Knill calls it, in a millionaire s mindset.
She corroborates her theories with her own extraordinary experiences. Forced to immigrate to Australia from her native Zimbabwe due to political unrest, Knill was forced to start from scratch with little to work with. But looking around, she found what she calls an abundance of prosperity that she knew she must somehow be able to tap.
Years of trial and error led her to perfect the millionaire s mindset that seemed instantly to draw every positive outcome she could have hoped for to her entrepreneurial endeavors. She calls this process Attracting Freedom and has since devoted her life to teaching others to achieve financial freedom aided by the power of their minds as she did. From the numerous and heartfelt testimonials displayed on her website (http://www.attractingfreedom.com), it is apparent that Knill has struck a chord with her positive moneymaking philosophy and hopeful outlook.
I know there are many, many people tired of struggling and running the unending rat race. I want to tell them how easy it actually is to break free of it, Knill says. I want my readers to remember that they are in control of their own lives and that even if we feel caught up in a humongous wheel that society turns for us, we have the ability to take back control and make a life worth living.
About the Author: Attracting Freedom loves to share information with others through live teleclasses, workshops and seminars; inspiring people to create a life filled with richness, abundance, prosperity and happiness. For more information on how to achieve financial freedom visit
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